Safety Action Plan Overview
Program & Funding Overview
The Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program is a federal initiative that provides $5 billion in competitive grant funding over five years for regional and local efforts to prevent roadway fatalities and serious injuries. This program utilizes a comprehensive approach to improving road safety, supporting both transportation safety planning and project implementation efforts. The first round of grant recipients were announced in February 2023, and the program will continue through 2026. The SS4A program is authorized under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). For more information about the SS4A program, you can visit the program website at
The Travis County Safety Action Plan
The Travis County Safety Action Plan will identify safety needs and improvement strategies that Travis County and its partners can implement to eliminate or significantly reduce deaths and serious injuries on our roads. The Safety Action Plan will identify the unique safety needs of each community and prioritize safety measures to address those needs. Each partner city and agency is responsible for determining whether to implement the safety recommendations listed for their jurisdiction.
Upon plan completion, member agencies can apply for SS4A Implementation grant funding for safety-focused construction projects and related programs/strategies.
Safety Action Plan Components
The SS4A grant program requires that Safety Action Plans include eight core components that are introduced below.
Leadership Commitment and Goal Setting
An official public commitment to an individual goal of zero roadway fatalities and serious injuries.
Planning Structure
A committee or task force that oversees the development and implementation of the Safety Action Plan.
Safety Analysis
An analysis of existing data, conditions, and historical trends that provide a baseline level of crashes involving serious injuries and fatalities.
Engagement and Collaboration
An official public commitment to an individual goal of zero roadway fatalities and serious injuries.
Brief Summary of Safety Action Plan
For the Travis County Safety Action Plan, the planning structure guiding the plan’s development is the Travis County SS4A Task Force. The Task Force includes representatives from the county and its member cities and villages, as well as key transportation partners such as the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA), CapMetro, and Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS).
The completed safety action plan will include both countywide roadway safety policy and project recommendations, as well as subsections of the plan with roadway safety recommendations tailored to each participating municipality. Each partner city and agency is responsible for determining whether to implement the safety recommendations listed for their jurisdiction. To develop these recommendations, the project team is reviewing crash and other relevant data, meeting with each participating stakeholder agency individually, conducting field reviews to better understand conditions on high-crash roadways, and gathering ideas from the public both via this website and through in-person events across Travis County during Fall 2024.
Equity Considerations
Safety Analysis and Safety Action plan development that uses inclusive and representative processes.
Policy and Process Changes
Assessment of policies, plans, guidelines, and standards to identify opportunities to improve how these existing processes prioritize transportation safety.
Strategy and Project Selections
Identification of a prioritized and comprehensive set of projects and strategies that will address the safety needs described in the Safety Action Plan.
Progress and Transparency
A method to measure progress over time after the Safety Action Plan is developed or updated.